Erotic Fantasies


this content is for adults only
in fact only for very adventurous,
broad minded adults ... with a mind
as intrepid and audacious as mine  ;-)

    Not interested? Go back to the gallery

Here's a new chapter in Erotic Photoart:

Erotic Fantasies; and Fantasies they are,

all semblances to real persons - or indeed 

true, real-life encounters - are pure fantasie.

For the record, I never had,

and indeed never will have, 

sex with any of my models.

Erotic Fantasie No. 1

An innocent meeting for coffee turns into a hot date ... 

Erotic Fantasie No. 2

Just looking for work ... 

Erotic Fantasie No. 3

A Quickie ...

Erotic Fantasie No. 4

A backstage encounter ...

Erotic Fantasie No. 5

The phonecall ...

Erotic Fantasie No .6

Training Day ...

Erotic Fantasie No. 7

Out and about ...

Erotic Fantasie No. 8

More adventures in the sex worker scene

Erotic Fantasie No. 9

A gorgeous woman to fantasise about

Erotic Fantasie No. 10

An Erotic Fantasie at 90km/hr

Erotic Fantasie No. 11

Fucking in a Fuck-House