Erotic Fantasie No. 1

Hi Tina,


when we meet next in the city for coffee (10:00am, same place at the QVB) please bring some more of your photos on your iPad. Don’t forget to include some explicit ones. Also, please wear a loose (mini-)dress, without a bra ... and your favourite, sexy, red hi-heels.


Looking at the photos, there are some very suggestive ones. A few of them look very interesting. They show more than the other photos of you I have seen before. I see myself leaning over and enlarging one of them. My elbow brushes by your breast. You don’t mind, in fact you like it. You press your breast against my arm. I enlarge the photo so your pussy fills the screen.


The waiter brings two glasses of water. He sees the photo. He casually reaches into your dress and strokes your breast - just for a second - and removes his hand before you can protest. But you wouldn’t protest anyway, you like that too. You are getting excited now. We both get excited.


By now I have moved my chair closer to you, ostensibly so I can view the iPad better, but really so that I can put my hand on your leg, at your knee. Your dress is shorter than that, so I am touching your skin. I can feel you trembling. You put your hand on my wrist and pull it a little further up your leg, pushing it down at the same time. My hand now rests on the inside of your thigh just above your knee ... and I am wondering if you are wearing underwear. I hope I’ll soon find out.


The waiter is coming back bringing our coffees. He sees where my hand is and smiles broadly. But you pull my hand back and we laugh, all three of us. When the waiter is gone you suddenly lean over and put your hand in my crotch. You can feel a hard cock. You pull your hand back and look at me somewhat excited, somewhat surprised, as though you hadn’t expected that. We both re-arrange ourselves in our seats, make conversation and drink our coffees. 


I point out to you that up on the first floor is a very interesting fashion shop. We collect our gear, pay for the coffees and go to that old-fashioned lift, using which is a little holiday in itself. We are alone in the lift. I stand close to you and stroke your thigh and your hip. Yesss ... you are not wearing anything under your dress. You smile at me, you know what I just did and why.


We don’t bother with the shops, but go straight to the disabled bathroom; it’s vacant. I lock the door, by the time I turn around you are leaning against the wall, your legs - with those red hi-heeled shoes - slightly apart. You look at me over the shoulder. You are heaving. I walk up to you, behind you. I push up your dress and run my hand up the inside of your leg. You are breathing heavily now. You are moving your ass slowly in a suggestive, circular motion, ready for my hand to find its way up between your legs, to you-know-where.


You push yourself backward against my pelvis, but your hand comes between your ass and my pants, where my thobbing cock is still wrapped up. I push you forward and then cup your boobs with my hands. I massage your breasts and at the same time push my hard cock against your ass. Your head leans back and you moan contentedly, in expectation of what is to come. I move back and again my right hand moves up the inside of your left leg. My thumb gets to rest on your vulva lips. Your cunt feels warm.


My finger slides along the outside of your vagina, stroking your clitoris gently, without entering you. My left hand firmly grabs your left breast and massages it through your dress ... I now massage both your breast and your pussy, pushing your shoulders back against me. You want more. You push your ass backward and spread your legs more. You lower your body so that your cunt presses against my hand. My middle finger enters in-between your vulva lips. Inside you are invitingly warm and deliciously moist. 


Now my left hand supports you as I put it on that little mound above your pussy, just touching the tip of your clitoris. I start massaging your clit. You now have two hands pleasuring you. One from above, rubbing the top of your clitoris, the other from below, my finger inside your vagina, pushing in and pulling out. You still want more. Your hand reaches back where it finds my cock, still wrapped up. You turn around and impatiently unzip me and pull my cock out. You rub it vigorously, then you put it in your mouth and give me a great blow job ... but you want more still. You turn around again, pushing your ass toward me, tilting it as much as you can, so your cunt comes into reach.


You guide my cock toward your honeypot and I push it in, with a pleased groan from you. We are now playing cocks and cunts, my favourite game. I am finally fucking you. Your phone rings. You let it ring a few times, but then you look at it ... I fuck you harder, hammering you with thrusting my cock into you. Ohhh, it feels so good. You push your ass toward me even more, pressing my cock even deeper into your vag. It’s your husband.


I pull my cock half out and push it in again ... hard ... affirmative ... sensuously. You answer the call. I hear your husband say, “hey, babe, what are you up to?” You say, “I’m getting fucked by Carsten.” You are panting ... breathing heavily ... my cock bangs you forcefully. He says, “OMG, where are you?” “In the disabled bathroom in the QVB.” “Wait for me, don’t go anywhere, I’ll be there in no time.” 


Your husband knocks on the door. I pull my cock out. You rush to open the door. He comes in and grabs you by the hips. You throw your arms around him and kiss him wildly.


He can see you’re terribly horny. So is he. He pulls his hard cock out and you proceed to suck it. As you’re leaning forward I enter your ass with my cock, which is soaking wet from your dripping wet vagina. He lifts you up a little and both of you slide his cock into your cunt. You now have two huge, hard cocks inside you ... and don’t you love it!


You ask us, “can you guys feel each other’s cock?” We respond in the affirmative. We are fucking you hard. I am firmly holding and massaging your breasts. We’re both holding you up, me by your breasts, hubby by your thighs. He is kissing you excitedly, urgently ... sooo pleased to have joined us. You just love having your man here. You're kissing him intensely. You moan and groan.


I pull out and your hubby sits you on the handwash basin and - your legs on his shoulders - fucks you even harder. You are ecstatic. Your cunt throbs. Your chest rises and falls. Your lips kiss. Your tongue intrudes. You scream as you cum, thunderously, with all your body and with that hard cock pounding your wet pussy. It’s a great joy watching you guys make love so passionately.


Then there is urgent knocking on the door.