I have seen Grace Jones in concert three times. These photos are from the last concert I saw, in the Sydney Domain in 2009. The first two were many years ago, a few days apart.

At the first concerts something odd happened with my ticket. I booked as soon as the concert was announced and got a ticket in the third row, in the middle.

Great I thought, but when I got to the venue on the night, the usher ordered me up to the balcony!

Well, long story short, I complained bitterly and was give another ticket for another show that week, right in the front and, again, in the middle.

As it happens in Grace Jones concerts, after the audience has heated up and toward the end of the show, the lady invites folks up to the stage to join her.

I was up in a flash and had the opportunity to get close to her and press up against her, and, furthermore, got to put my hand under her - in this show rather loose - stage costume and fondle her breast.

She swung around and instead of chastising me, shouted a password to me with orders to go to her dressing room.

Once I had picked myself off the floor I quickly made my way backstage. The password obviously had been well planned, because I had no trouble getting into her dressing room.

At this point I was reminded of a story a good friend of mine once told me ... about an experience she had when she was sixteen years old.

She was at the concert of a well known American rock band and also got onto the stage to dance within a crowd.

The bandleader / singer gestured toward one of his security guards pointing at her and then sent her off. The guard took her to the dressing room.

When the show was over the singer came and fucked her right then and there, but asked her to come back to the hotel.

There they had more sex, and then some more, because the whole band joined them - and a couple of other girls - and they all had vigorous group sex.

My friend then was invited to join the band for four weeks on the remainder of their Australian tour, as a groupie who was being fucked incessantly by the whole band (she declined an invitation to go to America with them).

Most memorable, she had said, was the black bassist, who had a cock that big, she thought it would never fit into her. But she was wrong, it did, repeatedly.

Well, this story (... and it is a real-life story too) was on my mind as I waited for Ms Jones. Our encounter was brief and explosive.

She quickly undressed while we drank from a bottle of whiskey and she made it clear she’d like a spot of oral sex.

I had never had a black pussy and enjoyed the experience, which - once my cock was suitable erect - was followed by her fucking me on the chaise lounge, amidst more swigs from the bottle.

We orgasmed nicely, but here was no invitation to the hotel; a shout from outside the door, "make-up" elicited a smile as she put her dressing gown on.

She shouted “yes” before I knew what was going on and before I had buttoned myself up. I was time for Ms Jones to have her make-up removed and her face restored to normal.

A quick kiss sealed the deal, another broad smile from the lady ... and I have a fantastic Fantasie story for the rest of my days.