the photos for this fantasie are chosen from my gallery

A little while ago I did some research - purely professional, of course - checking out the photographs massage parlours use to introduce their masseuses. I was appalled at the quality of the photos, they were very much below par. I can help, I thought. I think with my erotic-photoart I can prove that I could do better for them. So I emailed my local establishments and offered my services.
The first one I contacted was interested. Over the phone the proprietor agreed, they can improve the quality of their team members’ photos. But when we met, a great disappointment … they didn’t have a budget for photography. The photos they use were just shot on an iPhone, by whoever was there at the time (mostly a friend of the ladies, or the proprietor). That was a shame, I had hoped to earn a little bit of money with my photography.

But then a suggestion came out of the blue: Would I be interested in a contra deal? One hour of massage with the lady, in return for half an hour photography + another half hour of retouching her photos. Well, a deal like that hadn’t occurred to me. I had to think about it. But I could use a good massage, so in the end I agreed to a ‘trial’.
The young lady I met for my trial is from South Korea, her name is JoJo. She is twenty three years ‘old’ and - lo and behold - very sexy. I organized myself with my gear and we went on a location reckie through their premises … she showed me her favourite room. Yes, I said, I can work here. But first she was to provide her service, and suddenly she was all naked!
OMG, I am in for a ‘full service’.
JoJo has a stunning body, with just amazingly perky, large, firm breasts and the cutest ass. First we had a shower together. JoJo washed all the bits of me that were of interest under the circumstances. My cock by this time was as big and hard as ever. She washed it, rubbing it gently using a nicely fragranted bodywash.
Then she invited me to wash her pussy. And her ass. I did a thorough job! Her fleshy cunt was all out there and ever so inviting and I couldn’t resist giving it a good tongue lashing, upon which she reciprocated with a superb suck of my cock. Goodness, I nearly had an orgasm right then and there … but I though, well, we have another fifty minutes, why hurry!

When we were out of the shower and dried up - she took an awful long time drying my cock and my ass, to the point where I had to stop her, lest I would cum - she offered me a cup with a breath freshener, followed by a long, lingering kiss. She had soft, lucious lips and knew how to use her tongue. We were now well into the full service, as she held on to my cock and guided me over to the bed.
Once I was horizontal, she had a great trick putting the condom on … she had it in her mouth and applied it with one well-practiced move. Ingenious, I thought. Then she slowly sat down on me, inserting my cock deep into her pussy. That was not bad, but when she started to slowly sway her pelvis forward and backward as she squatted over me, in a grinding motion, I though all heaven’s bells were ringing. Oh boy, my cock was so hard, so huge, it penetrated her as deep as I had ever penetrated a woman and since she did not move up and down, I stayed right there … deep inside her. My cock was rubbing against the top of the inside of her cunt, there was no way to go further but to rub against her insides in utter ecstacy.

At the same time I could pay attention to her breasts, which - frankly - is one of my favourite pastimes. I am a breast man. A woman’s breasts are in the best position when she is riding one’s cock; she leans forward slightly and they thus fall straight into one’s hands. Oh the pleasure! I love massaging breasts and I have reason to believe that this state of pleasure is also experienced by the woman ... well, at least that was the case with JoJo. She moaned and groaned and encouraged me to provide ever more vigorous breast-handy-work.
By now she had proceeded to fucking me more conventionally, with moving her body up and down … I had to stop her, I was too turned on and nearly - once again - would have cum. She also had another trick where she used a little mini dildo giving me anal sex; which was not completely unwelcome! Then she lay down next to me and we proceeded with kissing. First we kissed conventionally, by mouth, then I kissed her breasts and after that I moved down to her pussy.

Her pussy was like I had never seen before … very detailed and textured. So much to play with. My tongue went into overdrive and so did her moaning and groaning. This young woman was so flexible, her legs went straight up into the air and I pushed them left and right, to gain the best access to her cunt.
I admit that I love cunt sucking, letting my tongue roam, exploring her vulva and playing with her clitoris but also delving deep into her vagina. At the same time - JoJo is quite petit - I could reach her breasts and massage them thoroughly. She did not disapprove; she said I was setting the standard for her massage later on. Hmmm, I take my complements wherever I can get them!
But now it was time for me to move up and fuck this divine creature missionary-style, with my cock working her cunt thoroughly and hard ... she kept saying: “Fuck me.” “Fuck me more.” “Fuck me harder.” More moaning and groaning on both of our behalves, until I had a thunderous, all-body orgasm. I did not ask her if she had an orgasm too - though it certainly felt and sounded like it - but I didn’t want to put her in a position where she would not tell me the truth, if she hadn’t. Anyway, it was inconsequential, because it was obvious that she enjoyed herself.
Maybe it is strange that as a participant in a recreational activity with a sex worker I would feel responsible for the woman’s enjoyment, but I had a strange connection with her, where I wished to respect her as an equal in the department of mutual enjoyment. This was probably due to the fact that JoJo was very affectionate, which showed not only in her superb fucking but also her enthusiastic kissing, and what was to follow now ...

... because her massage was sensational. Now I learnt what a full body erotic massage can be with the body of an experienced and dedicated young professional. Her breast were that firm, her nipples so pronounced, they could have done the massage all by themselves. But her handiwork - while she was kneeling over me - was superbly sensuous and orgasm inducing. She kept working on my still rock-hard cock, rubbing it. Sucking it. And in fact - after artfully putting on another condom - still fucking it whenever she came close to it with her gorgeous pussy by means of her body movements.
All this was going on for over half an hour and ended with me having another orgasm, where she rubbed my cock into cosmic ecstasy. I was delirious. All the while JoJo smiled, kissed, rubbed and fucked me incessantly, without me getting exhausted. This, I decided, was the most attractive aspect of being with a professional sex worker … there’s sex, and she does all the work!

A couple of days later we took the photos. There are - on and off - thirty five women working in this massage parlour :-)