Carsten Burmeister ... for a cornucopia of stuff go to About.
Oh, while you're here, check out my idea for a generic X-mas card.
Do I have kids? You bet I do! Check out my boys Rad & Yani, their gym
as well as the history of Unity Gym ...
Unity Gym is a Movement Gym
The Unity Gym exercise regime

... and Saskia she has a Wikipedia page and a website.
Photography at its finest
This self-taught photographer shows pro-photographers a thing or two ...

Writing bio
Use this link to my Dear Reviewer page.
en.light.en.ment ... the book, a new beginning, in the making since 1987
In 1987 I set off on a spiritual journey. The insights gained culminated in a 'panharmonicon' of 150 pages of essays about words and numbers; life and death; spirituality and philosophy; war and peace; reality, truth, truthiness, consciousness, delusion, God, service, happiness, love, duty, meditation, mind, passion, religion, Zen & enlightenment ... that sort of thing.
Mission Statement
My quest as an artist is to document my environment and to comment on life ... this is what I do: I read, watch and listen ... then think, then write. I like to think things through thoroughly and with my book en.light.en.ment I wish to inspire readers to think about things as they never thought about them before.
Photography bio
My studio in Cremorne until I retired in 2015 and moved to Balmoral.
I have been a pro photographer in the Sydney graphic arts scene since 1979. Born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1947, after my professional education during the late 1960s I spent two years in Amsterdam, Holland, and much of that time in the Rijksmuseum, studying the paintings of Dutch and Flemish masters.
It is there I got the inspiration for my style of photography - light is used to maximum effect, composition is all-important and attention to detail reigns.
With the arrival of digital photography and Photoshop, I had tools to finish my pictures to my liking and thus fulfil my vision of evocative PHOTOART.
My last stop in Europe was Copenhagen - then I travelled to Asia and settled in Australia.
for your entertainment, this is my promo video
produced many, many years ago for a 10 minute BNI presentation
unfortunately the prudes at Google disallow the video be shown here on my website
My background is still life photography, but I deem myself an urban photographer for my personal work; most pictures in PHOTOART are street shots from Sydney - I just roam the city, incessantly shooting with my Canon EOS 1Ds camera. Then I manipulate the pictures on my Apple MacBook Pro with Adobe PhotoShop. I abandoned film in early 1998 and have been a digital photographer ever since, both for my PHOTOART work and professionally.
Here you may also download a fact-sheet about the NO WAR incident involving the Opera House - check out my NO WAR - YES PEACE series. Furthermore, I also dabble in writing, don't miss my Pacifist Manifesto or indeed my en.light.en.ment book ... for more on my history in photography, go to my Let's get technical page.
As an ad shooter - for 45 years - I was always in control, but also constrained. Now the chains are off. When I shoot my PHOTOART I'm free.
I take chances; I love that process: Not to have to worry about the outcome while I shoot … whereas in my pro career the concept, the layout were all that counted.