First of all, here's a terrific help for the self-publishing author, a book by New York publicist Sherri Rosen. The book is on order, I haven't received it yet (Amazon isn't all that fast); so how do I know it's terrific? It's because I've read just about every word on her website, plus a generous offering of preview pages ... that's how.
Ms Rosen is highly regarded, as is evident reading her testimonials. Another award-winning book of hers is Give Me Your Truth - I haven't bought it, but it was next on my list (I do like the title, I have an essay TRUTH in my book en.light.en.ment).

"Give Me Your Truth is a collection of musings and memoirs from the world of a New York City publicist. Sherri digs deep, and pulls her bold ideas and her passion for authenticity into a collection of writings that focus on publicity, book promotion, authenticity, and the human condition. She asks us to look at ourselves, and answer some pretty tough questions. You will enjoy this fiery red-head, her big spirit and no B.S. – New York style."

Indeed, from all I could see, Sherri Rosen was the publicist for me; you see ...
I could relate to her through her writings.
Well, that was that ...
… but this is this.
I emailed with Ms. Rosen for about three weeks; the last three of those emails are pertinent (see below). She had quickly responded to my querie - which included a link to my Preview - and requested a paperback. Apparently once she got to (this is the old:) page VII, she took offence; I right away sent her a page with the offending sentence changed (see below).
So this is what happened: Ms. Rosen read the page and apparently interpreted it as an endorsement of Donald Trump. I deemed that strange, but I thought that could be fixed easily. However, what flabbergasts me is that after having had access to my PREVIEW (this is the new preview), then holding my book in her hands and after she received the correction, she concluded, Honestly canno relate to your book.
On her website Ms. Rosen identifies as a Buddhist; she is reading a book that is imbued with Buddhist philosophy ... but she honestly can’t relate to it.
never had someone treat my work so superficially, unprofessionally and indeed
with so much contempt. From where I stand it looks like I have been dealing
with a person who is not capable of assessing a text realistically, without
bias & prejudice. Her treatment of my text (and of me) is disrespectful in
the extreme. She doesn't want to waste time; frankly ... I am bemused to find
her book Give Me Your Truth described as promoting authenticity and
the human condition.
Authenticity and the human condition. I know. I've written a book about it. One other chapter in my book is COMMUNICATION. This is the question I have for Ms Rosen:
"Wouldn't it have been prudent - before jumping to conclusions and reacting - to have inquired as to ... what she may think to be the core of an issue is indeed what the other party intended to communicate?" No?
But hey, such is life.
(Apologies, dear reader, for boring you with this story ...
I had to write this blog so as to exorcise this silly episode.)
6) Dear Carsten, just began reading. Your book seems to have great merit, but when I saw Donald Trump's name as same beliefs, I cannot work with you. He's caused so much pain in my country and the world, I cannot condone anything with his name attached. He's an evil man. I wish you good luck Carsten.
Sherri Rosen
7) Hi Sherri,
Oooops, I mis-communicated ... the idea behind Unity is to foster beliefs in contrast to the beliefs of bigoted misfits like Trump et al. Those 5 characters I mentioned are the nation destroyers in the US, Australia, France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Cheers, C.
8) Carsten, Don't want to waste time. Honestly canno relate to your book. Thank you for thinking of me.
Sherri Rosen
Below is the page in question, where the offending sentence: