Erotica vs Pornography

Erotica vs. Pornography

What is the difference between Erotica and Pornography? Well, it has been said: the difference is the lighting. That’s where I take my cue: My erotic photos are lit carefully and I employ advanced lighting- camera- and Photoshop-techniques to create Erotic Photoart. To me that's what nude photography is all about.

The line between erotica and porn is blurred ... anyway, what is pornography? One definition is: Whatever arouses us is porn ... be it written or pictorial material. By that definition my work is pornographic. (Educate yourself.)

But the most accepted, most common-place definition is: Pornography often is offensive, derogatory, demeaning, tacky, rude, vulgar, devoid of taste. Then - I believe - my work is not pornographic. But you'll have to make up your own mind. 

Whatever conclusion you arrive at, enjoy your journey into Erotic-Photoart, and don't miss out the joys that await with exploring my various blogs ... just remember to keep an open mind on the issue of erotica vs. pornography.

Anyway ... why erotica? Why erotic art? Why EROTIC-PHOTOART?  For Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), the Austrian neurologist and founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry, the life drive, the libido or eros, the desire for survival, propagation and sex was the most important motivating force in life.

Keep visiting my blog … there will always be interesting stuff, such as info about the models and links to new hot, erotic and often educational websites. You do realize I'm doing the hard work for you here, don't you? It takes a lot of commitment to trawl the often awful erotic content on the net!!@#$%^&*()_+