280 Dear Carsten Burmeister ...
Have you ever seen one of
these? This is a rejection letter from a publisher to a writer. Nothing
extraordinary … a standard letter, for a standard rejection. I just
thought you might like to see it, out of curiosity.
However, there is one aspect
to the letter I do find remarkable, where it says “we are not currently able to
take your book on - while it looks both promising and original, our editors
feel it’s not quite the right fit for our list at present.” But again, this is very
much standard phrasing; I have read it (or similar) many times before.
Anyway, at least I have
confirmation my book is both “promising” and “original”, “(though) not quite
the right fit for (their) list at present.” At present. I guess I’ll contact
them again in a year’s time, or in a month, or maybe next week. Perhaps the configuration of their
‘list’ will have changed. Or a new demi-god in the General Publishing
Department will look upon my oeuvre more kindly and actually … ah, well, just
dreamin’, I guess. (Love the advice I’m given: Contact the local writer’s
center … find a literary agent.)
The point for your writer
here is this: I have self-published en.light.en.ment a few years ago. For many
years before I did so - as well as ever since - I contacted well in excess
of 400 (four hundred) literary agents and publishers; in Australia (in this
country every single one), the US, UK and Germany ... hence I am so familiar with
the rejection letter format. Though, I have to say, I actually haven’t received all
that many … in fact just five; for the sake of truth
in blogging, here’s a transcript of the formal rejections I received:
Dear Carsten Burmeister,
Thank you for thinking of
me with your query. While this sounds like a strong project, I'm
afraid it doesn't strike me as a likely fit with me and my particular editorial
contacts. I wish you well in finding the right agent for your work. Anne Hawkins - John Hawkins
& Associates, Inc. 71 West 23rd Street - Suite
1600 - New York 10010
Dear Carsten Burmeister:
Thank you for your submission
to the Fredrica S. Friedman literary management firm. Your spiritual
coffee table book looks attractive and interesting; unfortunately, it is not a
good fit for our agency at this time. Best of luck finding representation
elsewhere. Sincerely, Chandler Smith -
Assistant to Fredrica S. Friedman -
President, Fredrica S. Friedman & Co., Inc. Literary Management / 136
East 57th Street, 14th Floor / New York, NY 10022
Hi, Carsten,
Thank you
for your query. While your project certainly has merit, I'm just not wild
enough about the concept to take it on. As I'm sure you know - opinions
vary considerably in this business, and mine is but one. I'm certain
you'll find others who feel differently. Wishing you the best, Laney K. Becker Folio
Literary Management, LLC 505 Eighth Avenue - suite 603 New York, NY 10018
Dear Carsten,
Thank you for sending a
proposal of your work to us for consideration. Though we found your
material to be intriguing and smart, unfortunately we feel that
this project is not right for us. We’re sorry that we can’t respond with good news,
but we’re sure you’ll find the right representation for you and your work
elsewhere. Good luck on the road to publication.
Sincerely, Foundry Literary
+ Media
you very much for contacting us with your submission for en.light.en.ment. Unfortunately, we are not currently able to take
your book on - while it looks both promising and original, our editors feel
that it’s not quite the right fit for our list at present. This is of course
just one perspective, so you may wish to try showing your work to other
Publishing Department, Penguin
Group (Australia) (a
division of Penguin Australia Pty Ltd), 707
Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3008, penguin.com.au
One percent. Yep, that’s the number, roughly 1% of publishing professionals contacted have graced me with a response, albeit a rejection. OK, now please don’t get me
wrong: These five responses are the highlight of my publishing career. I am ever so thankful to everyone of
them ... not just for bothering to respond at all, but also for their kind words.
So now I can add “promising” and “original”
to “a strong project”, “attractive”, “Interesting”, “has merit”, “intriguing“
and “smart”. I guess that means - in a curious, queer way - I am indeed a successful writer. Methinks that’s worth blogging about.
p.s. In case you’re a
literary agent or publisher ... ah, well, as if.