472 Thicke, Williams, Gaye

OK, messrs Thicke and Williams reckon everybody draws inspiration here, there and everywhere ... why not in pop music (in my essay ECLECTICISM I quote Bruce Lee: “Use what works for you, and take it from any place where you can find it”, and Picasso used to say, “Good artists copy, great artists steal”); anyway, you cannot hold good music down, or hide it, or copy and plagiarise it, at least not without … wowww $10 million!!! Thank you very much, say Marvin Gaye’s decendants (SMH). Brilliant song(s) tho ... Blurred Lines.

OK, and who is THAT woman? Emrata, that's who. 

Watch the 'adult' version   Blurred Lines

(OMG, you are number 458,957,099 or thereabouts watching this clip.)