The Making of Love
Did you watch the movie first? If not this is a spoiler ... what fascinates me is how the movie was made: It actually is produced by a band, a bunch of musos! When I watched it I had no idea it was a super low-budget film, it's said to have cost $500k. For big budget Hollywood movies that sort of amount is the catering bill, I guess!
Anyway, here are a few of the construction photos ... the set was built in Eubank's parent's backyard. Amazing!
(Wikipedia:) Reviewers have also noted the production design, with the space-station set reportedly being built in William Eubank's parents' backyard. In a making-of video uploaded to his Vimeo account, Eubank details the construction of the set and lists materials such as packing quilts, MDF, pizza bags, velcro, insulation, Christmas lights, and other salvaged material as components to the ISS set. According to Tom DeLonge, the production was going to rent the space station from another movie but instead construct it from salvaged materials for budget reasons.
I hope you got to this page after you watched the film; and didn't you love the music?