KATHMANDU 1972 / 73

KATHMANDU, Nepal 1972 / 73


These photos are from my first great journey in the 1970s ... from Amsterdam, Holland, via France, Austria, Italy, Jugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Persia (Iran), Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal ... and back, in a Landrover. 

First a series of black & white photos; they seem like pictures from a century ago, having aged un-gracefully ... the ageing effect stems from a fault in my film-loading equipment; I had thought it was a good idea to load my own black and white film, rather than use the cartridges provided by Kodak!

The last photos in the country-side I took on a walk from Pokhara toward Tibet.

See also photos from the same trip, in India and Afghanistan.

Below are colour photos, the first eight pictures are from Kathmandu of a religious ceremony, held in the light of butter lamps in and around the many temples, like the Boudhanath Buddhist temple (four photos) ... to think that those magnificent temple buildings may have collapsed on to them in the 2015 earth quake.

From Kathmandu I drove west to Pokhara. The photos below are from a four week trek north into the mountains of the Annapurna range, which took me all the way to areas close to the Tibetan border.













