Director's Cut


This is my "Director's Cut" Gallery

the best of my  Erotic Photoart 



The following story is about my Erotic Photoart revisited.

It has been a few years since I did the last shoot for Erotic Photoart. I only worked on EPA from 2010 to 2011, for just one year; but - to put it all in context - I have an essay  PORNOGRAPHY



If you're a model, go to my Modelling page ... if you're a photographer, you may be interested in the text below. If you're just visiting ... enjoy the show; my pictures are in (roughly) the order they were taken.

A while ago I produced a how-to photo book, similar to my  ZEN Photoart book. But I was not happy with the quality of the digital printing process, so I stopped the project ... anyway , below is the text that went into the book.