
Hi hi, 

Saw this, thought of you!

Do you write like you fuck? Sublime and immaculate?!!!



Oh yes … and I fuck like I write!

Immaculate and sublime … thanks for asking.

Can’t get enough of the one and can’t stop the other.

I'd say one is my passion, the other my obsession.

And … I love writing about fucking.

Fucking and writing and fucking.

More please.

I am hard!

R u wet?


My style is not sublime or immaculate by the way ... 

more fast and furious :-)

I see ... but you didn’t answer my question!

Anyway, thank you for the 'Out and About' snapshot you sent me, very nice, especially once I had a closer look.

You, my dear, are sooo fuckable ... did your man fuck you then and there? 

I mean, it was a nice day for it, wasn't it?